• inetvarcas@gmail.com
  • Phone: 76662 35204

What We Do?

To each & every members approved by P&D, we will be pay Rs (as per work done / click)/- per month as HMA after successful registration with us on "HMA App" as recipient of "Her maker Allowance / His Maker Allowance / Home maker Allowance (HMA)®. "

For males up to 32 years : His Maintainance allowance, Female up to 32 years: Her Maintainance Allowance & for male & female of 33 years & above : Home Maker Allowance

Get started today!

Modality of HMA Registration for Benefitted

First Year

Ser Month Registration Amonut to be Paid One
time by HMA Beneficiary
Maintainance Charge Amonut to be Paid
to HMA Beneficiary
HMA (3) GST (%)
1. First 100/- 100/- 100/- Nil Nil
2. Second -- -- -- Nil Nil
3. Third -- -- -- Nil Nil
4. Forth -- -- -- 82 18
5. Fifth -- -- -- 82 18
6. Sixth -- -- -- 82 18
7. Seventh -- -- 100/- 82 18
8. Eight -- -- -- 82 18
9. Ninth -- -- -- 82 18
10. Tenths -- -- -- 82 18
11. Eleventh -- -- -- 82 18
12. Twelth -- -- -- 82 18
13. Total 100/- 100/- 200/- 738 162

Terms & conditions apply

® All rights reserved.

*CGST-9%, SGST-9%

Second Year & onwards

Ser Month Registration Amonut to be Paid One
time by HMA Beneficiary
Maintainance Charge Amonut to be Paid
to HMA Beneficiary
HMA (3) GST (%)
1. First -- -- 100/- 82 18
2. Second -- -- -- 82 18
3. Third -- -- -- 82 18
4. Forth -- -- -- 82 18
5. Fifth -- -- -- 82 18
6. Sixth -- -- -- 82 18
7. Seventh -- -- 100/- 82 18
8. Eight -- -- -- 82 18
9. Ninth -- -- -- 82 18
10. Tenths -- -- -- 82 18
11. Eleventh -- -- -- 82 18
12. Twelth -- -- -- 82 18
13. Total -- -- 200/- 984 216

Terms & conditions apply

® All rights reserved.

*CGST-9%, SGST-9%

Option 1

Covered Area Peaople of all Maharashtra State (36 Districts, 288 Constituency) above 18 year aged, having Aadhar Card & Valid Voter ID Card of Election Commission of India, can apply for HMA as under:-

  • Group 1 - 18 to 21 Years
  • Group 2 - 22 to 26 Years
  • Group 3 - 27 to 32 Years
  • Group 4 - 33 to 40 Years
  • Group 5 - 40 to 50 Years
  • Group 6 - 50 to 60 Years

Option 2

Covered Area Peaople of all Maharashtra State (36 Districts, 288 Constituency) above 18 year aged, having Aadhar Card & Valid Voter ID Card of Election Commission of India, can apply for HMA as under:-

  • Group 1 - 18 to 32 Years
  • Group 2 - 32 to 60 Years